Doug Sommerdorf
My Resume
Since 1985, Mr. Sommersdorf has performed nondestructive testing in the construction, fabrication, nuclear, fossil-fuel and petro-chemical industries. The types of nondestructive testing performed have been: Visual, dye penetrant, magnetic particle, ultrasonic, eddy-current, and radiographic. Mr. Sommersdorf has also performed extensive field documentation of existing facilities for LOC's structural condition assessments. His experience also includes inspections of structural systems designed by LOC for foundation and superstructures. His experience in construction started in 1981 with NPS Industries, Inc. performing visual and dye penetrant inspections fabricated Class I and II and nuclear piping components.
Associate of Applied Science (AAS) Welding Technology, Austin Community College, Austin, Texas, 1992
Two year Non-destructive Testing Program, Hutchinson Area Vocational Technical Institute, Hutchinson, Minnesota, 1981
Professional Registrations:
Perform welding inspection services to include visual, and non destructive ultrasound methods.
American Welding Society AWS/CWI Certified Welding Inspector, #91100831
Perform site inspections for structural concrete construction
American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) Level III – Liquid Penetrate, #159611
Perform site inspections for structural steel construction
Certificate of Completion- High-Strength Bolting of Steel Structures #265
Perform site inspections for wood-framed and light gage construction